Rent or buy?
Rent or buy?
26.07.2011 by Jose de Boer
Dutch housing market decline, but improvement expected
Dutch housing market decline, but improvement expected
Living in The Hague
Living in The Hague
Dutch housing market: Transfer tax reduced to 2%
Dutch housing market: Transfer tax reduced to 2%
[Update] New mortgage rules
[Update] New mortgage rules
WOZ: Property valuation
WOZ: Property valuation
26.05.2011 by Jose de Boer
Perfect Housing: 10.000 properties & New Rotterdam office
Perfect Housing: 10.000 properties & New Rotterdam office
Move to The Hague for one week
Move to The Hague for one week
23.05.2011 by Anita Kalmane
Moving house in Holland - Part 2
Moving house in Holland - Part 2
17.05.2011 by Helen Frew
Amsterdam neighbourhoods guide
Amsterdam neighbourhoods guide
02.05.2011 by Fred Tromp
Best & worst hotels in the Netherlands
Best & worst hotels in the Netherlands
18.04.2011 by Moa Thorssell
Cheaper housing in Amsterdam
Cheaper housing in Amsterdam
08.04.2011 by Moa Thorssell
Moving house in Holland - Part 1
Moving house in Holland - Part 1
28.03.2011 by Helen Frew
The end of squatting?
The end of squatting?
23.03.2011 by Moa Thorssell
Amsterdam housing market
Amsterdam housing market
17.03.2011 by Fred Tromp
Expat? And you want to buy a house in the Netherlands?
Expat? And you want to buy a house in the Netherlands?
15.02.2011 by Jose de Boer
The future of the mortgage interest deduction
The future of the mortgage interest deduction
08.02.2011 by Henk Jansen
An accidental expat in Almere
An accidental expat in Almere
09.12.2010 by Claire Walsh
Buying a house in the Netherlands
Buying a house in the Netherlands
01.05.2010 by Henk Jansen
Fair rent for all in the Netherlands
Fair rent for all in the Netherlands
16.11.2009 by Guido Zijlstra