A mostly saucy selection of words vie for Dutch Word of the Year
The leading dictionary of the Dutch language, Van Dale's Great Dictionary of the Dutch Language (AKA Dikke van Dale), is once again holding its competition for Dutch Word of the Year.
The selected words are all influenced by current events, some global, others specific to the Netherlands, ranging from Greece's potential exit from the Eurozone to the extreme popularity of the erotic novel 50 Shades of Grey.
The 10 words in the running for the title, listed in alphabetical order along with a basic definition, are:
› appconomie
Equivalent to the English "appconomy"
› bangalijst
A list of names of promiscuous women
› facebookmoord
Facebook murder; inspired by the Dutch teen murder scandal
› grexit
The exit of Greece from the Eurozone
› inbrekersrisico
The risk someone takes when breaking and entering; inspired by when a couple killed a burglar entering their home, and State Secretary for Security and Justice Fred Teeven basically said the couple shouldn't be punished
› mamaporno
Pornography intended for women; inspired by the 50 Shades of Grey phenomenon
› nivelleringsfeestje
Leveling the playing field in a festive way; inspired by the coalition government's plans
› project X-feest
A party organised via social media; inspired by the film Project X and popularized by the party of this type in Haren
› religiestress
Tensions that arise when a modern, secular society clashes with traditional religious practices
› voetbalvrouwing
Posing for a photo while making a duckface; inspired by the behavior of famous football players' wives
Anyone can vote in the competition until December 17, and the winners will be announced the following day.
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